Annual Events in Reno


Annual Events

Reno, NV/ Minden, NV/ Gerlach, NV/ Sacramento, CA

The major annual events listed by month. Many events in Reno are held during the summer season. They all offer unique Reno experiences!

◆ April ◆

Fly Ranch Nature Walks
Fly Geyser opened to the public (But limited)

Fly Geyser (Fly Ranch) Walking Tour
It is held from April to October, excluding the Burning Man period.
The Fall/Winter Walk is also being held.

◆ May ◆

River Festival

Reno River Festival

6/9-(Fri) – 6/11-(Sun), 2023.

River-opening festival kicks off summer in Truckee River
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Farmer’s market

It will be held weekly in various locations from May to October.

◆ June ◆

Food Truck Friday
リノの夏の花金はグルメ屋台で!Food Truck Friday -Reno Street Food

It will be held every Friday between June and September.
6/2 – 8/25, 2023

Feed the Camel

6/-(Wed)- ,2023(Every Wednesday)
It is a small, food truck event.

Street Vibrations Spring Rally

6/2(Fri) – 6/4(Sun), 2023
The Street Vibrations hold in June and September, but the fall event is larger.
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BBQ, Brews & Blues Festival

6/16(Fri) – 6/17(Sat), 2023
When it gets hot, We want meats, beers and outdoor music.
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Reno Rodeo
カウボーイ・カウガールのワイルドなお祭! @ Reno Rodeo

6/15(Thu) – 6/24(Sat), 2023
This is the American spirit and culture!

◆ July ◆


July, 2023
The artistic July with local artists’ art.

Barracuda Championship, PGA Tour Golf Tournament

7/20(Thu) – 7/23(Mon), 2023
There are years when Japanese golfers compete in the tournament, so check the player list!

The Biggest Little City Wing Fest
暑い夏のチキン・ウィング祭りThe Biggest Little City Wing Fest

7/28(Fri) – 7/29(Sat), 2023
Chicken Wing Festival

◆ August ◆

Hot August Nights

8/1(Tue) – 8/6(Sun), 2023
Hot August nights looks good on a classic car.
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Burning Man

8/27(Sun) – 9/4(Mon), 2023
A special event where people with a passion for nature and art come together to spend about a week in the desert.

◆ September ◆

 Best in the West Nugget Rib Cookoff
リノの定番大人気イベント、BBQリブ大会!- Nugget Rib Cook-Off

8/30(Wed) – 9/4(Mon), 2023
BBQ rib vendors come from across the United States to compete in a BBQ skills competition. The BBQ is delicious.

The Great Reno Balloon Race
熱気球がいっぱい浮かぶ素敵な9月の週末 @ Great Reno Balloon Race

9/8(Fri) – 9/10(Sun), 2023
The sight of brightly colored hot air balloons floating in the air was enthralling.

National Championship Air Races
心躍る空のレース! @ Reno National Championship Air Races (リノ・エアレース)

9/13(Wed) – 9/17(Sun), 2023
Historic airplane races, and demonstrations and displays of military aircraft.

Street Vibrations Fall Rally

9/21(Thu) – 9/24(Sun), 2023
A festival for Harley and other biker enthusiasts. Lots of custom bikes.
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California Capital Airshow
カリフォルニア・キャピタル・エアショー (カリフォルニア州サクラメント市)

9/23(Sat) – 9/24(Sun), 2023
You’ll have to travel a bit further from Reno, but it’s within a day trip.
It may be held in October.

◆ October ◆

Aviation Roundup

The schedule for 2023 has not been announced.
10/5(Sat) – 10/6(Sun), 2024
The air show is held every October in the city of Minden, Douglas County. Although the show is small, But the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds demonstrate in the show. This is a hole-in-the-wall air show because it’s not as crowded as the Sacramento City Air Show.

Great Italian Festival

10/7(Sat) – 10/8(Sun), 2023
A festival with authentic Italian food and wine
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◆ November ◆

The Polar Express Train Ride

Nov 2023
You could ride a steam train and meet Santa!

◆ December ◆

Reno City Plaza (Reno City Hall Square) Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

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Sparks City Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

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◆ Annual ◆

Reno Wine Walk

Every third Saturday of the month from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.